Monday, March 27, 2006

10 Mile Race Completed!!!

Yipee!!!! I finished my 10-mile prep race on Sunday (3/26). The race was the Run Around Egg Hill 10 Miler. I don't think we did any running around hills, but there was sure a lot of running over hills! My finish time was 1:35, which was 5 minutes faster than my goal of 1:40. I felt great for most of the race, but the last mile was brutal. I wanted to stop and walk so bad. Thank god this older gentleman I had run most of the race with kept me going. I was bound and determined that someone old enough to be my granddad was not going to beat me! The race also had a relay option, which was a little disheartening, because every few miles, a herd of fresh-legged runners came whizzing by.

I may have finished about five minutes earlier if I had not stopped to take care of a kid crying on the side of the road. Here's a little parenting quiz (Jeannie, pay attention because you will need to know this stuff in a few years):

If you have a six year old son that likes to run with you do you:
A) Take some time away from your schedule to do some fun running with your child.
B) Let your child run part of the race with you until they get tired, and then take them (or have a friend take them) back to the car.

C) Make the child part of your race relay team and tell them to run until they see you.

I'll give you a hint, choice C may not be good if the first leg of the relay is three uphill miles. Just a thought though since I don't have any actual parenting experience to base this on. Either way, it was a pretty scarey that I was the only person who stopped to talk to this kid crying on the side of the road (wearing a race entry number - they actually registered him for the race!!!). I do think this kid has a future in racing, however, because he beat me most of the way up a two mile stretch of mountain road.

Well - it's back to training for me. 40 days to train!

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